I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get salt to stick to popcorn without butter or oil and in the past I’ve had people suggest spraying it with water and sprinkling salt on it. That didn’t really work too well in my opinion. But recently I searched the internet once again and I came across someone suggesting putting salt in a blender for 15 seconds and using the powdered salt. So then I thought to myself that there had to be a company out there selling powdered salt online. I found Peg’s Popcorn Salt on Amazon and tried it. I love it!! Also, after finishing a bottle of it I kept the bottle and blended some Himalayan pink salt and poured it in the empty salt shaker. I like it but for some reason the combination of spices in the popcorn salt make it a stronger flavor. So even though I like being able to blend salt to make my own, I’ll probably use that more so for if I’m in a pinch and happen to run out of the real deal. I’m still amazed that powdered salt even works as well as it does but it gets pretty much the very kernel salty. After experiencing Peg’s there’s no going back. 😁